ITOS Resources aims to provide a wide range of IT technical supports and solutions to varies kinds of business and organization. By providing a single point of contact to clients for resolving all pr

Tech Power IT & OA Engineering --- a member of Dynamic Group . was established in order to offer lasting and affordable IT solutions to both small and large businesses. We are owned and operated
T手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Tech Power IT & OA Engineering

ITP China Ltd is a single source solution provider specializing in hardware and software maintenance & system support, outsourcing, equipment sourcing & procurement, Disaster Recovery service
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫邁科中國有限公司

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Are you looking for Air conditioner cleaning services? Then you are in the right place. AC cleaning provides you with a complete range of domestic and commercial air conditioner cleaning services.

We offer a relaxing environment with no unnecessary stressors such as barking dogs or unsympathetic handling. We pride ourselves on offering a highly individualized service.
9寵物 / 獸醫9 Lives Cat Hospital

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Service Apartments, Service Suites, Furnished Apartments and Hotel Apartments
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鎖閘易- 服務地區:新界、九龍、港島(離島、村屋或其他偏遠地區另議),提供:開鎖、換鎖、裝鎖、配匙、換鐵閘鎖、木門、鐵門、捲閘、自動門、指紋鎖、密碼鎖、電子鎖、夾萬開修、汽車開鎖、密碼電鎖、家居電器維修,服務熱線:46788855
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Convention Plaza Apartments is one of the Hong Kong's most prestigious residential addresses. Located on Hong Kong Island
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和樂工程有限公司專業從事室內設計及裝修, 水電安裝及維修保養, 空調和屋宇裝備等大小工程, 提供最合適的解決方案滿足不同的客戶需要; 無論是住宅, 寫字樓, 商鋪或工場, 我們都能提供一站式的工程服務, 擁有經驗豐富的團隊, 提供優質的售前/售後服務, 以"價格合理品質至上"為宗旨.
家居 / 室內設計及裝修WOLO Engineering Limited 和樂工程有限公司

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Welcome to Peak Florist, providing fresh flowers and arrangements since 1972. We've been constantly working to be the best florist with the most extensive selection of fresh flowers. We take great pr

提供一站式的全方位市場活動策劃和推廣服務:  公關及活動管理  數碼營銷  線上推廣  活動統籌及展覽會  企業視頻拍攝及電影拍攝後期製作  網站設計  平面設計服務  項目管理  網紅平台
商業 / 市場策劃ZtoaGroup - One-stop Solutions Marketing Company

盈大會計師事務所 - 成立於 二零零九年, 誠為中小企及創業人士提供一站式專業服務, 包括會計、核數審計、公司秘書、公司注冊、離岸公司注冊、公司報稅、虛擬辦公室等,我們有各種計劃, 以方便配合不同個別客戶的需要,而客戶亦可以單次收費方式享用不同的服務。我們讓客戶更能集中於發展自身公司業務、增加公司的盈收。

Full Service Hair Care: Men’s Haircut | $10,Children’s Haircut | $10, Women’s Haircut | $20.
S美容 / 髮型設計及護髮Salon Square髮型屋
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